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АННОТАЦИИ к статьям научно-теоретического журнала "ВЕСТНИК МАХ"


Выпуски по годам: [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006]

Обложка журнала 'Вестник МАХ'...

В настоящей рубрике публикуются аннотации к статьям «Вестника Международной академии холода» ("Вестника МАХ") - международного ежеквартального научно-теоретического журнала, являющегося печатным органом общественной организации - «Международной академии холода» ("International Academy of Refrigeration").

Вестник МАХ издается с 1998 года.

Главный редактор журнала: Бараненко Александр Владимирович, д-р техн. наук, профессор.

Тематика журнала: "Исследования и разработки по всем направлениям холодильной и криогенной техники, кондиционированию воздуха и проблемам экологии".

The international scientific-theoretical quarterly magazine about scientific and technical developments on all directions of refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and technology, air conditioning and problems of ecology.

«Vestnik of International Academy of Refrigeration» – published since 1998.

Перечень статей и аннотаций по номерам выпусков: [1/2008] [2/2008] [3/2008] [4/2008]

 1.  Расчет рабочих процессов винтового компрессора с регулируемой производительностью / А.В. АНУФРИЕВ, В.И. ПЕКАРЕВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The possibilities of increasing of capacity control efficiency of screw oil-filled compressors with the use of control valves are considered. Based on mathematical description of the processes in a screw compressor, a set of differential equations for the determination of thermodynamic parameters of refrigerant and oil at any time of the working process is obtained. As a result of the solution of the system, the design indicating diagrams of compressor without regulation, with regulation by a standard control valve and with a control valve of the optimized geometry were obtained. The best results with partial capacity were obtained with the use of the control valve with changed geometry.

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 2.  Регулирование производительности холодильного винтового компрессора золотником и поворотными заслонками / Д-р техн. наук А.Н. НОСКОВ, А.А. ЗИМКОВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The dependencies of geometrical compression ratio change from relative volumetric efficiency with the largest efficiency control of screw compressor, and the data about losses of capacity because of flowing of refrigerant to suction through dampers arc given. The results of the experimental investigation of capacity control are presented.

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 3.  Теплообмен между газом и стенками в рабочих камерах различных ступеней поршневого компрессора / Д-р техн. наук А.Ю. ГРИГОРЬЕВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The results of the calculations (according to mathematical model) of characteristics of heat exchange (local, instantaneous and averaged heat transfer coefficients and specific thermal fluxes) in working chambers of all the stages of a 5- stage reciprocating compressor are presented. The detailed explanation of the character of the presented relationships is given. It is found that in all the stages the parameters of the heat exchanger are non-uniform over the surf aces of the working chamber at the same time period (differences can be 100-fold), and also in one point of the working chamber during Ihe cycle, which can be explained by a complex pattern of gas flow.

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 4.  Совершенствование конструкции и работы электрогазодинамического (ЭГД) компрессора для холодильной техники и систем кондиционирования / Д-р техн. наук Г.И. БУМАГИН, А.Г. ЛАПКОВА (Омский государственный технический университет), канд. техн. наук С.Г. ОВЧИННИКОВ (НПФ "Экотерм", г. Омск), канд. техн. наук А.Е. РАХАНСКИЙ (ООО НТК "Криогенная техника", г. Омск)

  • The bases of the development of electric- gas dynamic compressor (EGD) are considered; schematic diagrams of the stage of such a compressor and of the design of multi-stage EGD-compressor on the basis of this stage arc presented. The flow rate and head characteristics of multi-stage EGD- compressor with the permanent voltage supply are given. Power losses in the compressor and ways for their reduction are considered. The advantages of use of pulsed voltage supply instead of permanent one are considered. The ways for further design improvement of the multi-stage EGD-compressor are outlined.

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 5.  Экспериментальное исследование средней молекулярной массы и давления насыщенных паров на линии кипения компрессорных масел / В.В. СЕЧЕНЫХ, канд. техн. наук Ю.В. СЕМЕНЮК, д-р техн. наук В.П. ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ (Одесская государственная академия холода)

  • The paper presents the results of the experimental investigation of the average molecular mass and pressure of saturated vapors on Lhe boiling line of six compressor oils, which are widely used in refrigerating equipment: Planet elf ACD 100 FY, Reniso WF 15 A, HMI Azmol, Castrol Icematic SW22, Castrol Icematic SW32, XC 40. The description of experimental installation and the methods of experiments are presented.

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 6.  Влияние рабочего тела на коэффициент преобразования теплового насоса / И.К. ШАТАЛОВ (РУДН), Д.В. ТЕРЕХОВ (ФГУП ММПП "Салют"), М.Ю. ФРОЛОВ (ТЭЦ-28 ОАО "Мосэнерго")

  • Various refrigerants used in heat pumps are compared according to their effectiveness. Formula for approximate definition of COP is offered for various refrigerants. It is exposed that values of COP for refrigerants under consideration differ a little one from the other and are equal 4,6...5,2 at Δt = 25...35 °C.

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 7.  Ассиметричное масштабное уравнение состояния / С.В. РЫКОВ, канд. техн. наук А.Ш. БАГАУТДИНОВА, канд. техн. наук И.В. КУДРЯВЦЕВА, д-р техн. наук В.А. РЫКОВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The equation of state describing a wide vicinity of a critical point and considering asymmetry a liquid-gas concerning critical isochore according to requirements of the modern theory of the critical phenomena is offered. The equation is developed within the limits of the approach offered for model lattice gas. It allows using the equation of state for construction wide-range equations of state. This equation allows counting equilibrium properties of individual substances practically in all area of a thermodynamic surface in which for the analytical equations "critical accident" has places so-called. The asymmetric scale equation of state in physical variables is approved on an argon example. The working area of the equation of state is limited by following parameters of a condition: 0,7 ρc < ρ < 1,35 ρ , TH < T < 1,08 Tc. The received results allow to draw a conclusion that the offered equation of a condition does not concede on accuracy and working area known asymmetric parametrical the equation of state.

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 8.  Совершенствование системы холодоснабжения низкотемпературной камеры с использованием воздушной турбохолодильной машины / Д-р техн. наук К.П. ВЕНГЕР, Н.Б. ПАНЬШИН (МГУПБ), канд. техн. наук Т.М. РОЗЕНОЕР (Институт механики МГУ им. Ломоносова)

  • A refrigeration system for a low-temperature room on the basis of air turbo- refrigerating machine (VTHM) using net power of turbodetander with adiabatic expansion of air is proposed. The results of the investigations are given concerning the determination of rational values of pressure ratios of compressor, where with the consideration of the adopted limitations, the maximum value of the coefficient of performance of VTHM is provided for the temperatures of the air supplied to a low-temperature room in the range -60... -72 °C.

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 9.  Гидродинамический расчет капиллярных трубок / Канд. техн. наук А.И. ЕЙДЕЮС (Балтийская государственная академия), В.Л. КОШЕЛЕВ ("ФАВВ рефимпэкс", г. Калининград)

  • A method of calculating capillary tube sizes for liquid refrigerant throttling with fixed rate flow is described in this article. Sequential calculation of parts with variable length is necessary because the parameters of expanding refrigerant are changed non-linearly along the tube. Taking into account the tube roughness the results of the calculation approximate experimental data on the basis of which charts for throttling refrigerants R12 and R22 are created. The method is suitable for any refrigerant and allows to find capillary tube capacity if its dimensions are given.

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 10.  Совершенствование теплообмена конденсаторов бытовых холодильников / М.И. ВОРОНИН, д-р техн. наук Б.С. БАБАКИН (Московский государственный университет прикладной биотехнологии)

  • The use of electrical-gas- dynamic devices (EGD-dcvices) for the improvement of heat exchange in condensers of domestic refrigerators (electrical convection) is considered. The volt-ampere characteristics of EGD-devices of the type "needle-net" with different distances between electrodes are presented, and also the dependence of the velocity of electric wind from the supply of permanent voltage for different distances between electrodes. To improve the flow-rate and head characteristics of EGD-devices it was offered to use electrodes, consisting of 11 and 31 needles. It was found that the optimum number of needles Is 11, and the device with such electrode allows reduction of condensing temperature in domestic refrigerator by 5 ... 7 °C. Improvement of the design of generating electrodes and the use of new materials with increased emission of charges from electrode surface will allow improvement of characteristics of EGD-devices.

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 11.  Новые виды замороженных продуктов из растительного сырья / А. ГРЫЗУНОВ, Н. КАУХЧЕШВИЛИ, Е. МУЧКИН (ГНУ ВНИХИ Россельхозакадемии)

  • The consequences of presence in food products of harmful substances found in colorants, additives, etc, are considered. Taking this into account it is important to develop new frozen foods with high vitamin content (or plant raw materials), ready to use without supplementary heat treatment. A method of processing and preparation of plant raw materials for cold preservation using the preservative of new generation has been developed. Such treatment guarantees microbiological safety both of raw materials and final product.

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Учредитель  и издатель сетевого СМИ: Маргарян С.М.
Адрес редакции: Россия, г. Москва, Шипиловский проезд, д.47.
Тел.: +7-916-186-57-39, e-mail: info@holodilshchik.ru

Первый выпуск первой в России интернет-газеты по холодильной и
близкой ей тематике - "Холодильщик.RU" - вышел в свет в январе 2005 г.
Руководитель проекта и Главный редактор: Санасар Маргарян
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