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АННОТАЦИИ к статьям научно-теоретического журнала "ВЕСТНИК МАХ"


Выпуски по годам: [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006]

Обложка журнала 'Вестник МАХ'...

В настоящей рубрике публикуются аннотации к статьям «Вестника Международной академии холода» ("Вестника МАХ") - международного ежеквартального научно-теоретического журнала, являющегося печатным органом общественной организации - «Международной академии холода» ("International Academy of Refrigeration").

Вестник МАХ издается с 1998 года.

Главный редактор журнала: Бараненко Александр Владимирович, д-р техн. наук, профессор.

Тематика журнала: "Исследования и разработки по всем направлениям холодильной и криогенной техники, кондиционированию воздуха и проблемам экологии".

The international scientific-theoretical quarterly magazine about scientific and technical developments on all directions of refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and technology, air conditioning and problems of ecology.

«Vestnik of International Academy of Refrigeration» – published since 1998.

Перечень статей и аннотаций по номерам выпусков: [1/2006] [2/2006] [3/2006] [4/2006]

 1.  Дискретная модель кондиционируемого помещения как объекта САУ по интегральному показателю комфортности / Канд. техн. наук В.В. ВЫЧУЖАНИН (Одесский национальный морской университет)

  • Comfort microclimate of residential and service facilities of vessels is determined by the Integral index - the resulting temperature (RT). The existing systems of management of the systems of comfort air conditioning don't control all the parameters, entering the RT, therefore, the microclimate In the conditioned facilities is not sufficiently comfort. A mathematical model of the conditioned facilities as a muttiparametric object of regulation by the RT is offered. The obtained model can be realized in a numerical system of the automatic control of an air conditioning system.

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 2.  Оценка эффективности теплообменных аппаратов холодильных машин / Канд. техн. наук К.Ф. КАРИМОВ (ТашГТУ)

  • The evaluation of efficiency of heat exchange apparatuses (evaporators and condensers) manufactured with the use of tubes with transversely rolled annular grooves was carried out. A method of exergy analysis is used for this purpose, according to the results of which the experimental formula of determination of exergy efficiency of evaporators is obtained. The formula is suitable also for condensers with the condensing temperatures up to 20 °C. The optimum geometry of rolled tubes increasing the efficiency of heat exchange apparatuses by 5 - 8 % as compared to plain tubes was determined.

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 3.  Математическое моделирование процесса движения газообразного хладагента в трубопроводах холодильных систем / Д-р техн. наук Б.С. БАБАКИН, д-р техн. наук В.Ф. ШИРИКОВ, канд. техн. наук С.Б. БАБАКИН (Московский государственный университет прикладной биотехнологии), канд. техн. наук Г.А. БЕЛОЗЕРОВ (ВНИХИ)

  • Mathematical analysis (the first approach of regular asymptotic expansions) is presented for the determination of the main parameters of the refrigerant vapor, moving along the tubes of the refrigerating system.

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 4.  Исследование давления насыщенных паров, плотности, поверхностного натяжения и критических параметров хладагента R245fa / Канд. техн. наук Ю.В. СЕМЕНЮК, С.Н. АНЧЕРБАК, д-р техн. наук В.П. ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ (Одесская государственная академия холода), канд. техн. наук А.Ж. ГРЕБЕНЬКОВ, канд. техн. наук О.В. БЕЛЯЕВА (Объединенный институт энергетических и ядерных исследований, Сосны, Минск)

  • The results of the experimental Investigation of saturated vapor pressure, density, capillary constant and critical parameters of R245fa are presented in the article. On the basis of the obtained experimental information on capillary constant a coefficient of surface tension of R245fa was calculated. The investigations were carried out with the use of static methods of measurements in the temperature range from 290,69 К to critical temperature and with pressures from 2,608 bars to critical pressure. The temperature dependence of the saturated vapor pressure, density, capillary constant and surface tension of R245fa has been studied in the work. The agreement of the obtained experimental data with the results of other authors was carried out. The values of critical parameters of the refrigerant R245fa were determined.

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 5.  Применение титановых сплавов в кожухотрубных теплообменных аппаратах для морской воды / Ю.В. МИЛЮТИН, Р.М. МИФТАХОВ, А.А. СИДЕЛЬНИКОВ (НТК "Криогенная техника", г. Омск), (ФГУП ЦКБ МТ "Рубин", Санкт-Петербург)

  • The benefits and drawbacks of the use of titan and titan alloys in heat exchange shell and tube apparatuses chilled with sea water are considered. The geometrical dimensions of titan condensers and evaporators of refrigerating machines, as produced by ОАО "Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA" (V.Salda) according to the project of NTK "Cryogenic technique", are presented.

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 6.  Выбор толщины продуктов при их замораживании в виде блоков / Д-р техн. наук В.Н. ЭРЛИХМАН, д-р техн. наук Ю.А. ФАТЫХОВ, д-р техн. наук А.С. БЕСТУЖЕВ (Калининградский государственный технический университет (КГТУ)

  • The analysis of influencing refrigeration plant efficiency which takes into account their interrelation with the technological line for preparation of the product for refrigeration has been presented. The technique for determining optimal thickness of product which provides maximum efficiency of the refrigeration plant has been defined. The example of determining optimal product thickness has been given.

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 7.  Развитие пробиотических культур в процессе подготовки смеси для мороженого / М.А. ФЕДОТОВА, В.И. ГАНИНА (Московский государственный университет прикладной биотехнологии)

  • The influence of mass fraction of sugar in the ice cream mix on the development of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacterium casei and Lactobacterlum helvetium, and also on their consortiums was determined. It was found that the introduction of the whole mass of sugar on the basis of conventional formulations inhibited the development of microorganisms. The reduction of doses of sugar in the fermented mix allowed determine its rational concentrations. It is shown that the kind of fat doesn't influence the development of lactic acid probiotic cultures.

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 8.  Применение снегообразного диоксида углерода для охлаждения мяса птицы / Д-р техн. наук О.Н. БУЯНОВ, Е.Н. НЕВЕРОВ (Кемеровский технологический институт пищевой промышленности)

  • The studies of the pattern of change of the temperature field and the process of heat removal during chilling of poultry with solid CO2 have been carried out. The average values of the heat flux density and the coefficient of heat removal with different methods of solid CO2 application have been determined. It has been found that for more efficient use of carbon dioxide it is useful to supply it both to the interior part of the poultry carcass and to its outside surface.

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 9.  Оценка микробиологической составляющей качества нового вида рыбных пресервов при различных температурах хранения / Д-р техн. наук О.Я. МЕЗЕНОВА, А.Н. КЛЮЧКО, канд. техн. наук Н.Ю. КЛЮЧКО (Калининградский государственный технический университет)

  • The development of the technology of delicacy preserves in a cream-sauce. Last is prepared on the basis a complex of vegetable oil, soya-protein of a concentrate, acetic-sour solution of a chitosan and liquid smoking. The level microbiological and qualitative structure microorganism preserves, stored is investigated at positive and negative temperatures. The sanitary safety of ready production is shown, are marked high organoleptic of property.

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 10.  Влияние микроволновой вакуумной частичной дегидратации на качество овощей / Д-р техн. наук В.С. КОЛОДЯЗНАЯ, К.Н. ЛЕБЕДЕВА (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий), канд. техн. наук В.А. ИВАНОВ (Санкт-Петербургский электротехнический университет)

  • A possibility of dehydrofreezing of vegetables on the example of red pepper of the sort Spirit and carrots roots of the sort Nandrin was assessed. Partial dehydration was carried out in a microwave vacuum installation "Musson-2". It was established that the evaporation of 30 - 50 % water from plant tissue of vegetables from their initial mass by the microwave vacuum method did not lead to quality deterioration, including negative structural changes.

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 11.  Закономерности роста и размножения хлебопекарных дрожжей на бесприточных стадиях технологического процесса накопления биомассы / Т.В. МЕЛЕДИНА, КХАЛИЛ МУХАННАД (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • The work shows that the amount of inoculation determines the intensity of multiplication of yeasts (µ1). The reverse dependence between the amount of inoculation, weight of cells and the content of RNA and protein in them is shown. It was found that the yield of biomass during cultivation of yeast on the stage without tributaries doesn't depend upon the strain peculiar features of the yeasts.

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Учредитель  и издатель сетевого СМИ: Маргарян С.М.
Адрес редакции: Россия, г. Москва, Шипиловский проезд, д.47.
Тел.: +7-916-186-57-39, e-mail: info@holodilshchik.ru

Первый выпуск первой в России интернет-газеты по холодильной и
близкой ей тематике - "Холодильщик.RU" - вышел в свет в январе 2005 г.
Руководитель проекта и Главный редактор: Санасар Маргарян
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