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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Эл № ФС 77-20452 от 22 марта 2005 года

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АННОТАЦИИ к статьям научно-теоретического журнала "ВЕСТНИК МАХ"


Выпуски по годам: [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006]

Обложка журнала 'Вестник МАХ'...

В настоящей рубрике публикуются аннотации к статьям «Вестника Международной академии холода» ("Вестника МАХ") - международного ежеквартального научно-теоретического журнала, являющегося печатным органом общественной организации - «Международной академии холода» ("International Academy of Refrigeration").

Вестник МАХ издается с 1998 года.

Главный редактор журнала: Бараненко Александр Владимирович, д-р техн. наук, профессор.

Тематика журнала: "Исследования и разработки по всем направлениям холодильной и криогенной техники, кондиционированию воздуха и проблемам экологии".

The international scientific-theoretical quarterly magazine about scientific and technical developments on all directions of refrigeration, cryogenic engineering and technology, air conditioning and problems of ecology.

«Vestnik of International Academy of Refrigeration» – published since 1998.

Перечень статей и аннотаций по номерам выпусков: [1/2006] [2/2006] [3/2006] [4/2006]

 1.  Итоги работы МАХ в 2005-2006 годах / Д-р техн. наук, профессор, президент МАХ А.В. БАРАНЕНКО (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

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 2.  Математическое моделирование процесса маслоотделения с использованием центробежных сил / Канд. техн. наук А.В. ГУЩИН (ГУ КНИИХП)

  • The problem of oil trapping on the low pressure side of ammonia refrigerating machines has not been solved yet. For this purpose an oil separator is offered using centrifugal forces for the separation of a two-phase liquid flow. The model of the process of oil separation is described. According to the results of the carried out theoretical investigations the design of the oil separator has been developed, the operation of which confirmed its high efficiency and reliability.

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 3.  Эколого-энергетический анализ целесообразности использования тепловых насосов в системах теплоснабжения теплиц / Н.П. БЫКОВЕЦ, В.П. ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ (Одесская государственная академия холода)

  • The paper presents the application of the method of an assessment of Total Equivalent Greenhouse Gases Emission (TEGHGE) to hothouses heating systems. The theoretical analysis of eco-energetic efficiency using heat pumps for the heating of the hothouses which locate in south of Ukraine was carried out. Comparison of anthropogenous loadings of alternative systems of heating was performed. New eco-energetic indicator which make it is possible to determine minimally allowable quotas on greenhouse gases (GHG) emission at heating hothouses was reported.

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 4.  Расчетные зависимости вязкости воднопропиленгликолевых растворов электролитов применительно к разработке хладоносителей с прогнозируемыми свойствами / Канд. хим. наук В.В. КИРИЛЛОВ (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет низкотемпературных и пищевых технологий)

  • Viscosity of propylene glycol solutions electrolytes is established to depend functionally on their concentration and mole part of propylene glycol. It was show that normal solution property change owing to solution nature and component composition as well as temperature can be used for development of refrigerating solutions with predicted properties.

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 5.  Полупроводниковые термоэлектрические устройства для диагностических исследований / К.А. ГАФУРОВ, д-р техн. наук Т.А. ИСМАИЛОВ (Дагестанский государственный университет)

  • The method of holding of diagnostic researches is designed, on the basis of semiconductor thermoelectric devices. The mathematical models of operation of designed devices are reduced. The procedure of holding of researches of velocity of fluxion (current) of blood of the man is circumscribed.

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 6.  Метод расчета интенсивности процесса сублимационной сушки шубата и кумыса / Канд. техн. наук А.У. ШИНГИСОВ, академик НАН РК, д-р техн. наук У.Ч. ЧОМАНОВ (РГП "Научно-производственный центр перерабатывающей и пищевой промышленности")

  • A calculation method of the freeze-drying process intensity of shubat and kumiss is presented in the article. The difference in water activity and relative humidity of the air was chosen as a driving force of the process. For the verification of the calculation method an experimental installation was developed and manufactured.

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 7.  Эффективная криодеструкция сапрофитных микроорганизмов на поверхностях пищевых продуктов / Канд. техн. наук В.В. БУДРИК (ООО "Криотек" (Москва)

  • The analysis has been performed of temperature variations influence on unicellular and multicellular organisms, which, as is well known, adapted for conditions of life on the Earth with temperature cycling from -60 to +50 °C. It made it possible to propose and prove physically the efficient method of cryodestruction and elimination of saprogenic microorganisms, which cover a surface of various foodstuffs (the meat, fish, curds, sliced fruits, vegetables, cheese etc.) and result in their decay and spoilage. For realization of this method in the food-processing industry, the high performance device is developed that ensures guaranteed cryodestruction of saprogenic microorganisms in the process of intensive cooling (above 30 kW/m2) and freezing of the surface layer to 2 mm of different shape foodstuffs. The offered method is more efficient than an existing industrial method of foodstuffs surfaces thermal treatment, especially regarding foodstuffs original quality keeping.

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 8.  Влияние низких температур на количество незамерзающей воды и ее физико-химические свойства в замороженных сырах / Канд. техн. наук И.В. БУЯНОВА (Кемеровский технологический институт пищевой промышленности)

  • Researches on studying influence of modes of freezing on character of freezing of water in firm cheeses are carried out. Influence of low temperatures on change of concentration of a water phase of the cheeses concerning various species groups, and also on quantity of nonfreezing water in them is investigated. Have established, that the water strongly connected to an aluminous matrix of a product, does not freeze even at over low temperatures and it is weak eutectic a condition comes at temperatures from -60 up to -70 °C. Character of freezing of water under influence of low temperatures is shown. Results of researches are used for construction of phase diagrams of water solutions of the frozen cheeses. The found law of change of concentration of a not frozen phase confirms, that characteristic to low temperatures high concentration of a not frozen part of a solution (46...56 %) are the factor of instability for structure of fiber. The best properties are kept in cheeses of high humidity (group Dutch, Russian) at temperature of the frozen object -20 °C.

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Учредитель  и издатель сетевого СМИ: Маргарян С.М.
Адрес редакции: Россия, г. Москва, Шипиловский проезд, д.47.
Тел.: +7-916-186-57-39, e-mail: info@holodilshchik.ru

Первый выпуск первой в России интернет-газеты по холодильной и
близкой ей тематике - "Холодильщик.RU" - вышел в свет в январе 2005 г.
Руководитель проекта и Главный редактор: Санасар Маргарян
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